Saturday, June 12, 2010

New Things!

Today I did some things I have never done before! It was our first truly nice day since I have been here at the ranch, and after the day getting off to a ridiculous start (long story short: I went to throw the discus up at the local h.s. and ended up losing one disc and gaining full-body hives), things got better in the afternoon.

Lana decided I needed to learn to ride a motorcycle. I was skeptical at first because I am SO bad with all things mechanical/electronical/beyond basic stone age technology. It was a big surprise to me when I was zooming around the back yard after just a few minutes of instruction! It really made me realize how much of a tool Bella (from Twilight...ugh) is in New Moon when she bails into a rock on her first motorcycle ride. I was scared at first that I would do the same or similar, but then, as I said, Bella is a huge tool and I am relatively competent in comparison.

We took the bike down to the horse arena so I could practice shifting and get up a little more speed. It was a lot of fun! Especially once I started to get the hang of it with the shifting and accelerating and whatnot. Amazingly enough, I did not fall off once. Lana took video and pics, and of course, made me pose at the end :)

I am unnecessarily smarmy. Haha!

Something else I did today that I've never done before is hit a golf ball! Ok, I've played putt-putt before, but this was full-on golf ball hitting with a real club and everything. I had quite a few spectacular swing-and-misses, but I told myself, "Ok, I'm an athlete, I can do this!" and pretty soon I was at least making contact. I would never say I have a future in golf, recreational or otherwise, but it was fun and challenging and I can definitely say I have a much greater respect for the sport now, knowing how difficult it really is!

And, once again, Lana was on hand with her camera to capture my special golf moments :)

Yes, I am golfing in cowgirl boots. Recognize!

Finally, we had a Jurassic Park moment with the ranch's largest equine occupant during our golf cart tour of the Demme homestead land. Reign did not appreciate having us in his pasture! Check out the video linked below, particularly the second half:

Just another day at Southfork!

1 comment:

  1. bella reference = win. i loled. looking seksi on your BIKE!
