"Make the most of it" seems like an ample tagline for how I have approached this summer. I have traveled more in the past 2 months than I usually travel in an entire year (not counting the necessary flights for work). For someone who really doesn't enjoy flying, I have found myself in my current situation (on a plane) more often than I would particularly prefer. It's 2011 -- where is the teleport device, scientists?! So you can equip an airplane with Internet -- big whoop. That doesn't get me to my destination any faster or lessen the hassle and emotional distress of traveling by air. We can do better, people. And until I obtain my own personal Montgomery Scott to beam me hither and yon, I will continue to feel chagrined every time I board an airplane.
But, I digress. I have too many summer adventures to recap to waste any more time expounding on my disdain for air travel. Here, in short, is how I have made the most of my summer:
Trip # 1: Stebbins to Vancouver, WA (via Portland, OR)
Ben and Roman and I, along with the Johnsons (Matt n' Ashley) left Stebbins on the morning of May 21. We VERY NEARLY missed our flight, which would have been a disaster of epic proportions. We were finally able to convince the pilot (who was at the end of the runway getting ready to take off when we got to the airport) that we were supposed to be on his plane, so, crisis averted. However, there wasn't enough room in the 10-ish seater King Air (two props! wow!!) for all of us, all our bags, AND Roman in his kennel, so when the pilot asked if my dog was well behaved, we all answered with a resounding "YES". Thus, Roman was afforded his very own aisle seat (that is, he slept in the aisle itself for the duration of the 10 minute flight from Stebbins to Unalakleet).
V.I.P (Very Important Poodle) Roman enjoys the comforts of his aisle seat.
Once we got out of the village, the rest of the trip was a breeze. We said goodbye to the Johnsons and other colleagues in Anchorage, and after a night spent at the Long House Inn, Ben, Roman, and I rose bright and early on the 22nd for our FIRST CLASS flight into Portland. It was my first time flying first class and I loved it. A lot. Mom and Dad greeted us right outside security at PDX, and soon we were home enjoying much appreciated beers and steak dinner. Ben and I spent about 2 and a half days in Vancouver, hanging with Mom & Dad, getting our bearings, and preparing for
Trip # 2: Vancouver to Phoenix, AZ (once again, via PDX)
Ben and I had been planning this trip down to AZ to visit his friend Rob (of Scottsdale, formerly of Milwaukee, WI) since roughly September. We once again traveled like ballers in 1st class, and the feeling of warmth hitting my skin as soon as we exited the airport after all of those months in the cold was priceless. I loved meeting some of Ben's friends, but I really appreciated the lounging and relaxation afforded us by Rob's generous hospitality and exquisite backyard pool.
Coming home from a night on the town in Scottsdale...happy to be vacationers :)
Swimming, drinks, and getting some much needed sleep were what this vacation was about, and it really hit the spot. 5 days in the Arizona sun with boyfriend & friends was the perfect prequel to
Trip # 3: Vancouver to Stites, ID (more specifically, the Southfork River Ranch)
The day after coming home from AZ and directly after dropping Ben off at the airport, Dad and Roman and I began the long but beautiful drive to the ranch.
Halfway viewpoint on the Grangeville grade. Exquisite.
Enjoying a cold one with Anderson at the Kamiah Hotel.
The view from the fishing hole. And to the left, we have the Demme Homestead!
I was so excited to be back at my home away from home, it didn't even matter that the sky was grey for most of our stay. Roman was ecstatic to see his ranch family again (poodle and human), and I loved being able to spend some quality father/daughter time with Dad.
Dad was anxious to get in on the salmon run, so he and Chuck and Anderson spent most of their time down by the river. I joined them for a bit, but was unable to snag my first salmon. We did find some treasures unearthed by the river bank erosion (arrowhead shards, other possible native worked rock items), and Dad managed to catch one (small) salmon to Chuck's two (large). I cherished my time back at the ranch by enjoying lots of naps and good food. As with all of my stays there, it wasn't nearly long enough, but I was happy to return to Vancouver after, where I spent two weeks with mom before
Trip # 4: Vancouver to Milwaukee, WI (via PDX and Denver)
My first trip to the midwest was a great success! I loved seeing Ben in his familiar surroundings, meeting his friends and family, and experiencing all the wonders of rural Wisconsin (Amish! Dollar beers at the ballpark! Deep fried cheese curds!). We started out in the outskirts of Milwaukee for Ben's friends David & Lisa's wedding. Ben was a groomsman and I was official girlfriend of groomsman/ad-hoc decorating assistant. It was a very fun weekend, the wedding was beautiful, the reception was a hoot, and we had a generally great time.
Posing pre-wedding.
After our wedding weekend, we drove west to Ben's hometown of Dalton. There, I met his mom & dad, grandparents, sister, nephews, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, and on, and on, and on. It was a great time. I learned about pontoon boats, Friday night fish fry, cherry Doctor, chocolate chip sandwich cookies, deep fried cheese, sand hill cranes, Culver's, shortie beers, and why it's great to be a Milwaukee Brewers and Green Bay Packers fan. I loved the scenery and simplicity of Wisconsin, and I loved seeing how Ben fit in there. I am looking forward to my next visit!
Striking a pose outside of Lambeau Field (home of the Packers...DUH)
About to blitz Ben in the Packers Hall of Fame.
Miller Park, home of the Brewers!
Enjoying another win for the Brew Crew.
Deep fried cheese curds, AKA the ambrosia of Wisconsin.
After my return from the midwest, I had a bit of downtime at home. Mom and I started to plot a trip down to see Anne, but in the end she decided I should be the one to go. That led to
Trip # 5: Vancouver to Los Angeles (via PDX)
As you know, I was en route to Los Angeles when I began writing this post. It turned out to be an excellent trip! Anne and I couldn't have been happier to reunite with one another, and we managed to work in several exciting adventures during my stay in the city of angels. Best leave it to the pictures to describe!
On the corner of Hollywood & Highland, being tourist-y.
Inside the Kodak Theater.
On Blue Jay Way, just like the Beatles song of the same name / Standing outside of the Beatles' home on Blue Jay Wy.
As you can see, the Doors used to work here. Now it's just a defunct restaurant.
Venice Beach, followed by my first trip to In n' Out Burger.
Horsing around in our empty theater (part of the Grauman's Chinese Theater complex), moment's before viewing Harry Potter 7 pt. 2.

Bonding with the cast of Harry Potter before the film.
So, that pretty much sums up my summer to this point. I have one final trip planned before returning to Stebbins in 13 days - - Ben is coming out on Saturday, and on Monday he, Roman, and I are headed down to the Oregon Coast (Rockaway) for a 2 night getaway. I really feel like I have made the most of my vacation time, my only regret being that I wasn't able to spend more time in Idaho at the ranch.
I am beginning to get excited for the start of a new school year, and all that comes with it. I have had lots of time to reflect on year one, and I am ready and anxious to go back and tackle year # 2. Waiting for me in Stebbins will be a class of 6 seventh graders, who (hopefully) will be as excited to see me as I am to see them! I have lots of big ideas that I can't wait to try, and I am feeling the confidence that comes with having crossed that "first year" hurdle.
I will continue to milk my vacation time for all it's worth, but next time you hear from me, it will be from my Alaskan outpost!